Bathroom Talk

There is one thing that all 7 billion of us have in common: No matter where we live, what we look like or what we believe in, when “nature calls,” we all go and do the same thing. But that’s where the similarity ends.

At the “bathroom privileged” end of the spectrum, we’re seeing a shift in how people view and utilize their bathrooms – from a strictly functional place to carry out their “business” to a place of a calming, relaxing and even entertaining experience. However, at the “other end” are the 40% of us – 2.3 BILLION PEOPLE – who don’t have access to a clean, safe, and sustainable toilet.1

This is a big deal, since poor sanitation contributes to the death of over 800,000 children each year.2 “Diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day–more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Diarrheal diseases account for 1 in 9 child deaths worldwide, making diarrhea the second leading cause of death among children under the age of 5.”3 Which means that by the time you’ve finished reading this paragraph, another child died because they didn’t have access to something most in the “flush and plumbed” modern world take for granted.

At ZuLoo, we believe access to sanitation, water, and hygiene is a human right, and yet about 2.3 BILLION people in our world lack access to basic sanitation services, such as latrines or toilets. This causes devastating effects on the health, safety, and well-being of nearly half the people on our planet.

Since our inception as a benefit corporation, ZuLoo has helped support the toilet and clean water initiatives of our 501c3 non-profit affiliate charity, ZuLoo Humanitarian Outreach (ZHO) around the world. However, we haven’t done it alone. ZHO’s work has been supported by a network of like-minded individuals, businesses, donors and nonprofit organizations working together toward a common goal: bringing clean, safe, and sustainable sanitation (toilets) to the 2.3 billion of the Earth’s poor and unprivileged.

1 Source: United Nations Development Programme website at accessed January 30, 2021.
2 Source: UNICEF website at accessed January 30, 2021.
3 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at accessed January 30, 2021.